Moth is a U.S. alternative rock band from Cincinnati, Ohio formed in 1989. The band has released five albums including a major label release on Virgin Records. They have done live performances on The Late Late Show, AOL, and Mancow's Morning Madhouse, numerous national tours and a UK tour. They have received critical acclaim from Rolling Stone, Blender, Spin, Billboard, Alternative Press, Transworld, Stuff, CMJ, Guitar World, The New York Times, and Los Angeles Times.

01. Fight For Your Love 03:55
02. Whispers In The Dark 04:59
03. Mark Of Man 05:13
04. Shadows 04:16
05. Dividing Line 05:26
06. Wanderlust 06:30
07. Distrurbing The Universe 08:11
08. Vital Signs 04:19


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M.O.T.H. – Magus Orbis Terrae Hereditas 2014
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